The 'Vesak' Festival a celebration of enlightenment and compassion, found a mesmerizing abode within the lavish confines of the 'Devon Rest' the newest property of the Grand Kandyan Hotel. The talented artisans of the hotel breathed life into the spirit of Vesak by crafting a magnificent Vesak pandol and it was illuminated by Mrs. Kusuma Weeraratne, guided by the blessings of venerable Buddhist Priests. The festival did not end with the Pandol, but the devotees were treated to an impressive performance of 'Bakthi gee' by the hotel staff, and in a gesture of generosity, the hotel extended its heartfelt offering of soup 'dansela' to over 3000 devotees. This, yearly spectacular event by the Grand Kandyan Hotel was an exquisite display of Buddhist culture in the heart of Kandy. The guests and visitors were fascinated by the illumination and enjoyed the unique celebration.